Yukihito Ishizaka
National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM), Japan
Title: DNA methylation profiling can classify HIV-associated lymphomas
Biography: Yukihito Ishizaka
HIV-positive patients have 60- to 1000-fold higher risk of malignancies including non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Most HIV-associated lymphomas are high-grade B-cell lymphomas and frequently represent with poor prognostic features. To understand the nature of HIV-associated lymphomas, we performed the genome-wide analysis of methylation profiling of HIV-associated lymphomas and non-HIV lymphomas. Analysis of gene and intergenic regions by Illumina Infinium Human Methylation 450 microarray identified unique methylation profiles in HIV-associated lymphoma examined at gene promoter regions (including CpG islands Data suggest that HIV-associated lymphomas were differentially categorized from non-HIV lymphomas. We next investigated the cancer-related gene methylation profiling of HIV-associated lymphomas using Illumina Golden Gate Methylation Cancer Panel I microarray. We identified the specific DNA methylation pattern in the recurrent cases of HIV-associated lymphomas. These findings support understanding the modes of HIV-associated lymphomas and identifying new prognostic biomarkers. (Matsunaga et.al., AIDS28:503-510, 2014). Taken together with our results showing that peripheral blood cells of HIV-1 positive patients are susceptible to genomic instability (Shimura et.al., AIDS19: 1434-8, 2005), we discuss the possible mode of HIV associated lymphomas.
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